Fischbach Sports
We are rethinking player management," says our home page.
But what does that mean? We're happy to explain it to you!
About us
Fischbach Sports is an experienced team of former ice hockey players. We are united by our passion for the sport and the will to offer athletes the best possible support.
You get our full support from day one to help you achieve your sporting goals. We support and advise young players on their way to becoming professional players just as we support and advise established professional athletes.
We know the challenges players face on their way to becoming a professional athlete, and the pressure to perform that weighs on you when you are a professional athlete. That is why we are at your side with advice and support combined to give you a certain degree of personal responsibility so that you can embark on your career path on solid footing.

Fischbach Sports is at your side in all decisions related to your career and will guide you through the decision-making process which allows you make clear, informed decisions for your future.
Our support relates to all areas of life, for example, tax, legal, financial or health issues. You can contact us concerning all topics and we will be at your side in every respect.
Last but not least, our business expertise is also an important factor, as we negotiate contracts with clubs that are appropriate to your market value and personal performance. We represent your interests emphatically but will always be professional and future oriented in all discussions concerning your career. Because we are convinced that when all factors mesh and interact, that success can be planned.
That is why we rely on our 360° player counselling in the following areas:
- Professional world
- Financial advice
- Fitness & Nutrition
- Marketing & Media Consulting
- Medical care
- Mental Training & Coaching
- Legal advice
- Tax advice

And these are your possible contacts at our company:

„Unser Ziel ist es, das Leistungspotenzial unserer Athleten während ihrer Karrieren zu maximieren, sie dabei zu unterstützen, ihre eigene Marke zu kreieren und sie darüber hinaus in allen Phasen ihres Lebens zu unterstützen“

„Ich bringe durch meine Herkunft und meine langjährige Beratertätigkeit erstklassige Kontakte nach Nordamerika mit, die gerade für unsere jungen Spieler einen enormen Mehrwert bedeuten.“

„Als Ex-Profi weiß ich, worauf es wirklich ankommt. Deshalb berate ich meine Klienten genau in diese Richtung.“